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Count item:  485
ENERGOFÓRUM 2013 – electricity

The representative of ENTSO-E Jana Moravcová will inform the participant of the conference ENERGOFÓRUM® 2013 - electricity, which will begin 10.17.2013 in the Hotel Sitno located in Vyhne, about the details on new rules and the integration of Europe...

Continuation of SAP PM GEO data update

Cooperation and contract for the update of graphic and nongraphic SAP PM GEO data (PM - Plant Maintenance, GEO - geo-space support) with the company Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava a.s. has been extended for next year.

Expansion of business and measurement information system in SEPS, a.s.

Business and measurement information system in SEPS, a.s. is being expanded with the applications that are related to new legislative. There on the basis of the product XMatik®.NET/ISOM our company provides its operational support till the end of 201...

Operational infrastructoure for IS of OKTE, a.s.

The company OKTE, a.s., which operates the short term electricity market has sealed a contract on behalf of which we will provide, install and put into operation the technical and software infrastructure for the production operation of informational ...

New information system for the central management and data collection of measured data

Starting 7.1.2013 in the company OKTE, a.s., a new informational system of measurement operator XMtrade®/ISOM in the version V4.2 is in production operation. It has been developed, provided and operated by our company sféra, a.s. The system provides ...

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