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Count item:  485
Support of day-ahead market in the Slovak Republic

Our company was entrusted with Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava, a.s. (Slovak transmission system operator) to realize important project (in accordance with the declaration TlacSprava_15.1.2009), support of day-ahead market operator, the...


The fourth year of the specialized conference ENERGOFÓRUM® will be held on October 8th - 9th, 2009 in Piešťany. We expect brisk discussions and interesting contributions of reputable experts in the field of power and energy. We want to organize the ...

Bentley – "BIM V8i Promotion"

BIM - Building Information Modeling introduces new promotion. High-performance combinations of Bentley products are now available with good price. Promotion is appropriate for the architecture, structural, mechanical and electrical disciplines. For...

Support of Information system of deviation billing

Our company signed a four-years contract for support of operation of Information system of deviation billing based on XMtrade®/ISZO V2.4. Support services include maintenance of technical infrastructure, software of third parties, ope...

Bentley SELECT - Support Process announcement

In an effort to simplify service requests and improve support experience, effective February 16, 2009, all support issues from SELECT subscribers will be routed through SELECT Services Online via the Service Ticket Manager.Please verify that yo...

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