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Count item:  485
Excise tax from energy – specialized seminar

Our company organized specialized seminar - Excise tax from energy, which was held on June 19th, 2008 in Dom Športu in Bratislava leaded by Ing. Bc. Radko Jurak from Customs headquarters in SR. Act Nr. 609/2007 of Coll. on excise tax from electrici...

Complex support and administration of system in SEPS, a.s.

SEPS, a.s. (Slovak electricity transmission system, Plc.) renewed yearly contract for complex support of Technical information system based on XMatik®.NET. The contract ensures activities necessary for administration and full function of Techni...

International conference Management in Power industry '08

The conference is held every two years alternately in Slovak and Czech republic since 1994. The main aim is exchange of information and experience in operation and management of power and heat systems and also establishes contacts between experts in ...

Audit of Quality management system

Our company sustained certificate of quality management system according to ISO 9001:2000. Audit was held on June 5th - 6th, 2008 by Det Norske Veritas. Sféra, a.s. was evaluated as a above standard company in the field of quality also because of 7 ...

National Forum on Maintenance 2008

8th international conference National Forum on Maintenance 2008 was traditionally held in Hotel PATRIA in Štrbské Pleso. Conference organized by Slovak maintenance association was held under the patronage of the Slovak Ministry of Economy on Ma...

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