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Count item:  485
VSLive! in San Francisco

Three representatives of our company participated in VSLive! in San Francisco, which was held on March 30 - April 3, 2008. They gained the most in-depth information on maximizing performance in Visual Studio. They attended several how-to session...

Specialized seminar

The fourth seminar in this year in the field of accounting and taxes, organized by our company, was held on April 9, 2008 in Dom športu. Ing. Ľubica Kožíková, expert in this field, and actual topics ensure massive attendance in seminar. Seminar's pro...

Intraday registration of diagrams – specialized seminar

Specialized seminar - Intraday registration of daily diagrams organized by sféra, a.s. was held on March 19, 2008 in Technopol building in Bratislava. Consultants of sféra, a.s. and representative of MAGNA E.A., s.r.o. - trader in elec...

Sféra, a.s. in Connexio system

Sféra, a.s. is registered as a pre-qualified supplier in Connexio system - suppliers information system for power industry in Germany, eastern and middle Europe. Our company has pre-qualification for following categories of products and services: ...

SPX 2008 spring conference

Sféra, a.s. became a general partner of spring conference which was held in hotel Kaskády in Sliač on March 30th - April 1st, 2008. Conference offers an opportunity to gain new information, change experience with prominent experts in the field of ele...

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Consulting and analyses in power industry
Processing of technical data
Processing of graphic data
Processing of CAD data
Sale and installation of software
Sale and installation of hardware
Accredited certification services for electronic signature
Double-entry bookkeeping, maintenance of personnel and payroll agenda
Virtual reality
Energy trading
Electricity dispatching
Facility management and maintenance
Devices and equipment lifecycle management
Technological networks management
Technical documentation maintenance
Road network management
Energetic networks design
Maps, atlases and other map works
Technical information systems
Trading information systems for power industry
Consulting and analyses in power industry
Graphic applications
Professional portals
sféra workshops
Legislative obligations