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Count item:  485
Implementation of legislative changes into Operation Procedures of SEPS, a.s.

SEPS, a.s. (Slovak electricity transmission system, Plc.), our key customer, gave an order for preparation of a document describing intra-day trading as a part of complex revision of the SEPS, a.s. Operational Manual, based upon legislative cha...

MicroStation V8 XM Edition wins Cadalyst All-Star Award

The product MicroStation V8 XM Edition by Bentley Systems Incorporated has won a Cadalyst magazine All-Star award. The award honors "the best of the best - the most outstanding among all software and hardware products that earned Highly Recommen...

ENKO 2007

The 4th Annual Congress on Power and Energy was traditionally held in Palfy Palace in Bratislava on June 5th - 6th, 2007. Motto of the congress was "Energy, Its Price and New Dynamic Features of the Energy Market". Main issues, presented and discuss...

National Forum on Maintenance 2007

The National Forum on Maintenance 2007 was held in Patria hotel in Štrbské Pleso on May 29th - 30th, 2007. The international conference, organized by Slovenská spoločnosť údržby, was held under the patronage of the Slovak Ministry of Economy. Our com...

MicroGRAP/RS®V8.2 for Stredoslovenská energetika, a.s.

According to contract with Stredoslovenská energetika, a.s. we provide MicroGRAP/RS®V8.2 floating licenses with one-year technical support. MicroGRAP/RS® V8.2 is the latest version of CAD application for planning of heavy-current distribut...

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