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ELOSYS - Elektrotechnics and information science 200510/19/2005
Conference, Electrotechnics and information science, was held in
exhibition ground TMM, a.s., Trencin on October 14th, 2005.
Conference, organized by FEI STU in Bratislava, was with
international interest. Motto of the conference was "Application of
SLOVENERGY '0510/18/2005
The third international energy congress, SR SLOVENERGY '05 was
held from October 11th - 12th, 2005 at the Hotel Danube in
Bratislava and our company was represented by the Director of the
Sales Department, RNDr. Oskár Halzl. The congress was focused ...
Bentley DigitalPlant conference9/20/2005
This year's DigitalPlant conference for Central Europe was held
in the Technopol Congress Centre in Bratislava from September 13th
- 14th, 2005and our company was represented by Ing. Jozef Drgoňa,
Mgr. Miroslav Čecho, Bc. Miloslav Šípka, Mgr. Libor L...
Business meeting between sféra, a.s. and SEPS, a.s.9/19/2005
Our representatives presented solutions of sféra, a.s. for
the Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava a.s (Slovak
electrification and transfer system) Informatics and
Telecommunication Department at Hotel Stupava in Stupava from
September 13t...
2. Periodical audit of the quality management system9/16/2005
Det Norske Veritas performed the second periodical audit of our
quality management system according to ISO 9001:2000 standard on
September 8th, 2005. The audit was successfully completed. The Head
Auditor stated that the company quality management sy...