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Count item:  488
Small projection offices in the Czech Republic are using the MicroGRAP/RS® 2000 design system

After appointment of the system for heavy current distribution lines projection, MicroGRAP/RS® 2000 as a standard in Západočeská energetika, a. s., some small projection offices in the Czech Republic started its take up and utilisation.

Internet for Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava, a.s.

Internet sites SEPS, a.s., are managed by our specialists. In connection with the gradual electricity market liberalisation, the internet will gain principal importance for partners of Slovenská elektrizačná a prenosová sústava, a.s. (Slovak El...

Microwave connection into the internet network

We have been operating a permanent connection into internet network on the basis of microwave technology with guaranteed transmission capacity 256 kb/s extendable to 2 Mb/s since January 1st, 2002 We thereby ensure instant availability for clients an...

Extending of the number of licences of the XMatik® NT system in Slovnaft, a.s.

The number of licences for the facility management system XMatik® NT Version 3.1 in Slovnaft, a.s., on the basis of Oracle Database of Oracle Company and MicroStation GeoOutlook of Bentley was doubled at the end of 2001.

Starting of the new MicroGRAP/RS® 6.0 version project

The development department started the project of a new MicroGRAP/RS® 6.0 version with innovated user interface, transfer to the Oracle Database and new implementation of technical standards ČSN 33 3301 valid in the Czech Republic in cooperation wit...

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