Since we have provided IT solutions for strategic energy companies not only on the domestic market b... more
As part of a consortium with PwC EU Services EESV (represented by PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory, s... more
The Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic (IPO SR) granted our company SFÉRA, a.s., pate... more
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MicroStation V8i (SELECTseries 2) |
Systems introduces commercial release of the product
MicroStation V8i (SELECTseries 2), which brings interesting news.
For example support of Autodesk®RealDWG 2010 libraries
or support of 3D laser scanners through the tools for direct
manipulation with point clouds.
Autodesk®RealDWG support guarantees the highest level
of fidelity for DWG formats - Trusted DWG. Also included is support
for Autodesk FBX files and support for selected specialized
objects, so-called Object Enablers.
Support of 3D laser scanners allows attaching point clouds as a
native DGN element and in the next step working with it (e.g.
clipping, different view settings).
New technologies are represented by certified compatibility with
Windows 7 and support for virtualization with Citrix
Other improvements are related to visualization tools,
geographical coordinate systems and Bentley DGN iFilter for text
Visit the portal SELECT Services
Online or use our contacts for more details.
Version labels:
Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 2) -
Bentley View (SELECTseries 2) -
Desktop Prerequisites -
Bentley Map and Bentley PowerMap of version V8i (SELECTseries 1) are already available in Czech language. Bentley SELECT Subscribers have access to them through the portal SELECT Services Online. Bentley Desktop Applications Software prerequi...
Since the 2008 sféra, a.s. belongs to pre-qualified suppliers, which are registered in Connexio qualification system by Achilles Information GmbH. We are in Achilles global list of energy companies. This fact allows us to be contacted by more th...
The company sféra, a.s. is ranked in the first top ten most successful companies in several categories in prestigious Trend Top in IT 2009. We are in Top 10 in following categories: "The Fastest Growing Slovak IT Companies"; "Packaged Sof...
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