Since we have provided IT solutions for strategic energy companies not only on the domestic market b... more
As part of a consortium with PwC EU Services EESV (represented by PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory, s... more
The Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic (IPO SR) granted our company SFÉRA, a.s., pate... more
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One more DSO operates software product developed by our company |
I.K.S. facility services spol. s r. o., establishes on the Slovak market as a stable provider of electricity supply and distribution services. In addition to energy services, its portfolio also includes services related to property and building management.
I.K.S. facility services, spol. s r. o., sme dodali produkt XMatik®.NET/ISOM. Splnili sme požiadavku klienta na zabezpečenie spoľahlivého automatizovaného zberu údajov z elektromerov a ich denné nahlasovanie do systémov OKTE a SEPS. Ide o základné legislatívne povinnosti prevádzkovateľov miestnych distribučných sústav (MDS).
For I.K.S. facility services, spol. s r. o. we delivered the product XMatik®.NET/ISOM. We fulfilled the client's request to ensure reliable automated data collection from electricity meters and daily reporting to the OKTE and SEPS systems, what is the basic legislative obligation for local distribution system operators.
The XMatik®.NET/ISOM product is available to the client through the Internet portal. The company used the alternative software as a service, which we operate in our own cloud environment. The advantage is the speed of installation and its launch in production environment. In addition, the client saves resources on the acquisition of hardware and individual installation of components. The operation of XMatik®.NET/ISOM is monitored by the technical support team.
Thank you for your trust and we look forward to work with you.
Probably not many of us may know, but in recent days our company, SFÉRA, a.s., has successfully signed a contract for hot-line support for the operation department of the Slovak Electricity Transmission System (Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava, a....
"Crisis paralyzes fragile companies and those are asking for help. Crisis encourages innovators and those help themselves. INOFEST is a meeting of innovators whose obstacles are strengthening and they are finding opportunities in crises." This is the ide...
The company SLOVNAFT, a.s. has confirmed the extension of the Framework agreements on the technical support and development of the XMatik®.NET information system with SFÉRA, a. s. for the year 2021. As part of the services provided, SFÉRA, a.s. team will...
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