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XMtrade® operated by the company Elektroenergetické Služby


By concluding a contract with the company Elektroenergetické Služby, s. r. o., an electricity supplier for commercial customers, we have expanded the list of clients for the supply and management of our XMtrade® software solution. By deploying a proven system into functional operation, our new client will get a reliable tool for business measurements, thereby fulfilling the legislative obligation as regards the introduction of intelligent metering systems (IMS), which results from generally binding legal regulations for operators of local distribution systems (MDS).

We believe that providing our technical support services will contribute to the smooth operation of the entire system and ensure satisfaction with the performance of business measurement processes.

Previous news

PRO-ENERGY magazine featured our XMtrade® software solution

The editors of the prestigious magazine PRO-ENERGY devoted space in their latest edition to our software solution XMtrade®, which has been operating by the short-term electricity market operator in Slovakia. We are pleased that the article provides magaz...

Internal audit for progress and increasing efficiency

Regular internal audits were carried out in our company in August to obtain an objective overview of the state and management of our corporate resources and processes. The audits provided important information about compliance with established standards a...

Cisco Partnership Certificate

Our colleagues Ing. Milan Schmidt from the economic department and Ing. Martin Turan from the service department successfully passed the Cisco certification exams in mid-August. Martin received certification in the technical area and Milan in the administ...

Choose what you need from our products


Consulting and analyses in power industry
Processing of technical data
Processing of graphic data
Processing of CAD data
Sale and installation of software
Sale and installation of hardware
Accredited certification services for electronic signature
Double-entry bookkeeping, maintenance of personnel and payroll agenda
Virtual reality
Energy trading
Electricity dispatching
Facility management and maintenance
Devices and equipment lifecycle management
Technological networks management
Technical documentation maintenance
Road network management
Energetic networks design
Maps, atlases and other map works
Technical information systems
Trading information systems for power industry
Consulting and analyses in power industry
Graphic applications
Professional portals
sféra workshops
Legislative obligations