Since we have provided IT solutions for strategic energy companies not only on the domestic market b... more
As part of a consortium with PwC EU Services EESV (represented by PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory, s... more
The Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic (IPO SR) granted our company SFÉRA, a.s., pate... more
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Products |
Enterprise Asset Management
Technical Facility Management
Maintenance of technological entity facilities
XMatik®/EAM is the latest version of the tool for building technical information systems in the field of property administration and maintenance. It is the follower of the successful technical information system XMatik®.NET (previously XMatik® NT).
Information system for transmission system operators, regional distribution system operators, local distribution system operators, energy producers, and large energy consumers.
Assures collection of metered data, its processing and evaluation, calculates forecasts, assures archiving, and provides data to other partners.
XMatik®/WMS (Wagon Monitoring System) is an information system for wagon monitoring.
It is intended for carriers and wagon owners. Based on the information provided by the system, it is possible to optimize the processes so that the loading area of the wagons is efficiently used and the maintenance costs of the wagons are reduced.
XMatik®/EMS manages information about the types and technical parameters of locomotives. It collects and evaluates measurement records directly from installed electricity meters and GPS devices. Shows online location and current operational metrics.
XMatik®/FMS provides information on pumping, distribution, and fuel consumption on individual locomotives measured by tank sensors. Alerts you to suspicious fuel consumption values.
Trading and management of various types of energy
XMtrade® is a multiutility system for trading and management of various types of energy (electricity, heat, gas, water, and also with emission and wastes).
XMtrade® covers a broad spectrum of functions for various commodities; starting with scheduling of supply and delivery, through the processing of measured data, allocation of costs, billing, up to risk management, and technical controlling.
Automated data collection and evaluation using a mobile device
XMpad.NET is an application for mobile devices, which automates data collection and evaluation. It is suitable for processes in technical management, equipment and technological units' maintenance, asset inventory, and energy consumption meters. Obtained data are real, and reliable with higher value for the customer leading to reducing costs of maintenance process and inventory.
Projection for heavy current distribution lines
Data collection for GIS
MicroGRAP/RS® is a tool for the automation of activities related to the projection of energy distribution networks
MicroGRAP/RS® supports intelligent and controlled data collection on distribution network objects and their export into data management systems based on MicroStation/J and FRAMME systems with connection to ORACLE database or other RDBMS.
Creation and updating of vector maps of cadastral territories
MicroKataster is a modern tool for the collection, interactive maintenance, and processing of geodetic information of the real estate cadastre in the graphical environment MicroStation/J following Instructions for operation of the automated information system of geodesy, cartography, and cadastre issued by GKK SR (Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority of the Slovak Republic) (Bratislava, 1996) and with the related regulations.
Cartographic and map works processing
Cartographic and map works processing from scanning, manual digitalization, and automated vectorization, creation of structured cartographic information up to the output of exposure units.
Solution for administration and maintenance of buildings and equipment
SFÉRA, a.s. software solution for administration and maintenance of buildings - with the utilization of 2D/3D system ArchiFM from Graphisoft. This provides the tools for efficient and economic management of activities related to the operations of buildings and real estate management, rental management, maintenance, moving, and human resource management.
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