Since we have provided IT solutions for strategic energy companies not only on the domestic market b... more
As part of a consortium with PwC EU Services EESV (represented by PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory, s... more
The Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic (IPO SR) granted our company SFÉRA, a.s., pate... more
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Analysis of materials and update of PFD, UFD and P&ID schemes on selected production units.
Purchaser: SLOVNAFT, a.s., Bratislava, 2017
Modifying of vector unit drawings. Reverse osmosis according to internal standards.
Purchaser: SLOVNAFT, a.s., Bratislava, 2017
Creating specialized isometric schemes to visualize corrosion loss using ultrasonic measurements and corrosion coupons.
Purchaser: SLOVNAFT, a.s., Bratislava, 2017
Transformation of review sheet of selected units into new format. Checking up-to-date and adding links to updated parameters.
Purchaser: SLOVNAFT, a.s., Bratislava, 2016
Updating of schemes for revision lists in DGN format. These are based on expert information sourced form ultrasonic wall thickness measurements. Expert information were marked into the schemes using Bentley Redline product.
Purchaser: SLOVNAFT, a.s., Bratislava, 2016
3D model of technological media distribution in the ceiling structure for Volkswagen Bratislava. It was prepared in MicroStation environment based on project documentation (2D DWG and DGN formats).
Purchaser: KTP Group, s.r.o., Trnava, 2015
Preparation of map materials (DGN, DWG, VGI - terrier, ortophotomaps), database data and their modification for publishing by internal users via Bentley Geo Web Publisher.
Purchaser: Národná diaľničná spoločnosť, a.s., Bratislava, 2015
Digitization of analogue documentation into DGN vector format and its refinement according to actual state in MOL Szöny terminal (Hungary).
Purchaser: VÚRUP, a.s., Bratislava, 2013
Support of graphic visualization of transmission network parameter simulation results - automated rendering of values and graphic symbols to maps using macros.
Purchaser: Slovenská elektrizačná a prenosová sústava, a.s., Bratislava, 2005–2018
Consolidation and harmonisation of the structure and the appearance of planimetric plans of electric stations according to standards. Analysis - comparison of the reality and the terrier status.
Purchaser: Slovenská elektrizačná a prenosová sústava, a.s., Bratislava, 2005–2009
Provision of yearly contractual support for solutions based on MicroGRAP/RS® products for Enermont, s.r.o., by means of contractual company E.ON IS Slovakia, s.r.o.
Purchaser: Enermont, s.r.o., Bratislava, 2010
Provision of yearly contractual support for solutions based on MicroGRAP/RS® products for Enermont, s.r.o., by means of contractual company E.ON IS Slovakia, s.r.o.
Purchaser: Enermont, s.r.o., Bratislava, 2009
Provision of yearly contractual support for solutions based on MicroGRAP/RS® products for Enermont, s.r.o., by means of contractual company E.ON IS Slovakia, s.r.o.
Purchaser: Enermont, s.r.o., Bratislava, 2008
Delivery of MicroGRAP/RS® V8.2 floating licenses with yearly technological support.
Purchaser: Stredoslovenská energetika, a.s., Žilina, 2007
Provision of yearly contractual support for solutions based on MicroGRAP/RS® products for Enermont, s.r.o., by means of contractual company E.ON IS Slovakia, s.r.o.
Purchaser: Enermont, s.r.o., Bratislava, 2007
MicroGRAP/RS® V8.2 license provision with Bentley PowerDraft 2004 Edition CZ and technological support.
Purchaser: ESMOS plus, s.r.o., Plzeň, 2007
Provision of upgrade license to current version of MicroGRAP/RS®V8.2 CAD system for projection of heavy-current distribution lines.
Purchaser: Dopravoprojekt, a.s., Bratislava, 2006
Another design offices, which supply projects of overhead and cable power lines for Západočeská energetika, a.s., member of ČEZ, accepted MicroGRAP/RS®V6.3 as an integrating CAD tool for automation and standardization of designing works. The delivery includes licenses with 3-year support. The number of legal subjects, which follow standardization decision of ZČE, a.s., is twelve.
Purchaser: Projekčné kancelárie v ČR, Plzeň, 2006
Provision of yearly contractual support for solutions based on MicroGRAP/RS® products for Enermont, s.r.o., by means of contractual company E.ON IS Slovakia, s.r.o.
Purchaser: Enermont, s.r.o., Bratislava, 2006
Design offices that design heavy current distribution lines for Západočeská energetika, a. s., on a contractual basis accepted in a unified manner, the MicroGRAP/RS® V6.3 as a CAD tool for creation of projects with the value above 100,000.00 CZK. The delivery in total covers licenses with a 3-year maintenance for 8 companies that are directed by the standardization decision of Západočeská energetika, a.s.
Purchaser: Projekčné kancelárie v ČR, Plzeň, 2004
Provision of a multilicense for using MicroGRAP/RS® V8.1 application for Enermont, s.r.o., together with the delivery of the licenses for Bentley PowerDraft V8.1 graphic environment within E.ON Group.
Purchaser: E.ON IS Slovakia, s.r.o., Bratislava, 2004
Upgrade of MicroGRAP/RS® version 2000 to MicroGRAP/RS® version 6 based on the standard relational database, Windows user interface, and in-built ČSN 33 3301 standard; extending of the number of licenses at the customer; training of users.
Purchaser: Jihomoravská energetika, a.s., 2002-2003
Upgrade of MicroGRAP/RS® version 2000 to MicroGRAP/RS® version 6 based on the standard relational database, Windows user interface, and in-built ČSN 33 3301 standard; extending of the number of licenses at the customer; training of users.
Purchaser: Západočeská energetika, a.s., 2002-2003
Upgrade of MicroGRAP/RS® version 98 to MicroGRAP/RS® version 2000 with significant functional extending; extending of the number of licenses at the customer; training of users.
Purchaser: Jihomoravská energetika, a.s., 2000-2001
Upgrade of MicroGRAP/RS® version 98 to MicroGRAP/RS® version 2000 with significant functional extending, extending of the number of licenses at the customer; training of users.
Purchaser: Západočeská energetika, a.s., 2000-2001
A system for the automated projection of energy distribution networks in MicroStation environment on MS Windows9x/NT platform. Versions 3.2, 4.1 and 98 were gradually deployed at the customers.
Purchaser: elektrárenské spoločnosti SR a ČR, 1996-2000
A system for automated projection of energy distribution networks. By implication of the development, versions 3.2 and 4.1 were gradually deployed at the customers.
Purchaser: elektrárenské spoločnosti SR a ČR, 1990-1998
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