Since we have provided IT solutions for strategic energy companies not only on the domestic market b... more
As part of a consortium with PwC EU Services EESV (represented by PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory, s... more
The Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic (IPO SR) granted our company SFÉRA, a.s., pate... more
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Consulting and analyses in power industry |
Analysis of the distribution
system's infrastructure in terms of data reporting obligations
(installed equipment and power lines, production facilities, intake
and uptake points, types of measurements etc.). Validation of the
parameters settings in the information system of data management
XMtrade®/ISOM. Consultation for implementing of
automatized data exchange with the XMtrade®/ISOM.
Purchaser: SLOVENSKÉ CUKROVARY, s.r.o., Sereď,
Preparation of a documentation for
a local electricity distribution system operator, namely the
"Operating Rules" and "DSO Technical Conditions". The documentation
was prepared in accordance with current legislation, mainly the Act
No. 250/2012 Coll. on regulation in network industries and the
Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak republic No.
271/2012 Coll.
Purchaser: AUPARK, a.s., Bratislava, 2013
Review and wording harmonization of
Operational order of short term electricity market organizer OKTE,
a.s., with present legislation.
Wording review of OKTE, a.s., business contracts and their
harmonization with reviewed short term electricity market
organizer's OKTE, a.s., operational order and with present
legislation. Part of consulting services contract is processing of
analysis on the EIC codes topic in context of the rights and
obligations of company OKTE, a.s., and elaboration of written
Purchaser: OKTE, a.s. ,
Bratislava, 2013
Delivery of consultancy and
creation of study "Proposal of RONI (Regulatory Office for Network
Industries)regulation about the charge of supplier of electricity
for ZSR to evaluate value of immediate power as a sum of allocated
production in all points of supply, for each voltage level and
independently for each distribution system."
Purchaser: Železnice Slovenskej republiky, Bratislava,
Delivery of consultancy and study
"Analysis of application of oilless epoxy transformers in
conditions of electrical traction of ZSR and comparison with sealed
oil transformers in conditions of electrical traction of ZSR from
the view of power overload."
Purchaser: Železnice Slovenskej republiky, Bratislava,
Delivery of consultancy and study
"Evaluation of deviation in forecasting, intraday and
interconnection of ZSR information system with OED including
revision plan".
Purchaser: Železnice Slovenskej republiky, Bratislava,
Delivery of consultancy and study
"Transposition of business and process conditions specified in
operation manual of ZSR into the application practice in
electricity trade, by creation of new type of contracts and
matching with business conditions specified in ZSR operation
manual, creation of type diagrams of consumption as a main tool in
changing the supplier and proposal of system of TDO (offtake model
diagram) updating".
Purchaser: Železnice Slovenskej republiky, Bratislava,
Delivery of consultancy and
creation of study "Optimization of train diagram from the view of
energy intensity and possible influence on energy
Purchaser: Železnice Slovenskej republiky, Bratislava,
Delivery of consultancy and
creation of study "Proposal of RONI regulation about the charge of
supplier of electricity for ZSR to evaluate value of immediate
power as a sum of allocated production in all points of supply, for
each voltage level and independently for each distribution
Purchaser: Železnice Slovenskej republiky, Bratislava,
Creation of analysis "System of
energy management", with the aim to analyse and suggest
possibilities of purchaser in liberalised electricity market and
define its status in power industry.
Purchaser: Jadrová a vyraďovacia spoločnosť, a.s.,
Bratislava, 2008
Creation of specialized analysis
"Working of electricity market in Slovakia - potential of
utilization in Comenius University in Bratislava", which analysis
possibilities of energy management in liberalised market.
Purchaser: Comenius University in Bratislava, Bratislava,
Delivery of consultancy service and
extensive analytical study "Regulation of electricity consumption
by operative management of freight transport".
Purchaser: Železnice Slovenskej republiky, Bratislava,
Delivery of expertise in analysis
the impact of limit prices of regulating electricity on size of
system deviation and deviations of significant participants of
electricity market during the January 2005 till June 2007.
Purchaser: Úrad pre reguláciu sieťových odvetví, Bratislava,
Creation of study and delivery of
expertise in analysis of consumption diagram of distribution
companies in liberalised electricity market.
Purchaser: Železnice Slovenskej republiky, Bratislava,
Preparation of a document
describing intra-day trading as a part of complex revision of the
SEPS, a.s. Operational Manual, based upon
legislative changes related to requirements of new rules for
electricity market according to Decree of the Government of the
Slovak Republic No. 317/2007.
Purchaser: Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava, a.s.,
Bratislava, 2007
Delivery of expertise, elaboration
and completion of the proposal. Need for the new wording is a
result of adoption of the Act No. 107/2007 Coll., which amends Act
No. 276/2001 Coll. on regulation in network industries due to
implementation of intra-day trading with electricity in
Purchaser: Úrad pre reguláciu sieťových odvetví, Bratislava,
Creation of study and delivery of
expertise in analysis of trend in deviation prices in liberalized
electricity market.
Purchaser: Železnice Slovenskej republiky, Bratislava,
Creation of study and delivery of
expertise in analysis the impact of 15 minutes deviations in the
process of deviations billing in the electricity market.
Purchaser: Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava, a.s.,
Bratislava, 2007
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