Since we have provided IT solutions for strategic energy companies not only on the domestic market b... more
As part of a consortium with PwC EU Services EESV (represented by PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory, s... more
The Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic (IPO SR) granted our company SFÉRA, a.s., pate... more
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Graphic applications |
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated, product.
Purchaser: elkatel, s.r.o., Bratislava, 2019
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated, product and services.
Purchaser: Ing. Milan Mikuš – GEOMIK, Horné Naštice, 2018
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated, product.
Purchaser: Ing. Marián Balej, CSc., Poprad, 2018
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated, product.
Purchaser: PETROSTAV-SK s.r.o., Štefanov nad Oravou, 2018
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated, product.
Purchaser: SITEL s.r.o., Košice, 2017
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated, product.
Purchaser: Huawei Technologies (Slovak) s.r.o., Bratislava, 2017
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated, product.
Purchaser: PYRONOVA s. r. o., Bratislava, 2016
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated, product.
Purchaser: Mesto Prešov, Prešov, 2016
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated, product.
Purchaser: Enviroline, s.r.o., Košice, 2016
Contractual support for Bentley Map PowerView the product of Bentley Systems, Incorporated.
Purchaser: CM European Power Slovakia, s. r. o., Bratislava, 2016
Continuation of contractual support for MicroStation and Bentley Map PowerView fo Bentley Systems, Incorporated.
Purchaser: Slovnaft, a.s., Bratislava, 2016
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated, product.
Purchaser: PATRIUM s.r.o., Košice, 2015
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated, product.
Purchaser: Nadar, s.r.o., Bratislava, 2015
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated, product.
Purchaser: EDWIN s.r.o., Bratislava, 2015
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated, product.
Purchaser: SITEL s.r.o., Košice, 2015
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated, product.
Purchaser: GEODÉZIA Žilina, a.s., Žilina, 2015
Preparation of the map data (DGN, DWG, VGI - Slovak cadaster, orthophoto maps, database), consolidation and publication in the Bentley Geo Web Publisher environment. Data are accessible for the purchaser's internal users of the Bentley Geo Web Publisher. They are used as a supporting tool for the motorway planning, construction, management and maintenance.
Purchaser: Národná diaľničná spoločnosť, a.s., Bratislava, 2015
Providing of contractual support for PowerMap the product of Bentley Systems, Incorporated.
Purchaser: SLOVNAFT MONTÁŽE A OPRAVY, a.s., Bratislava, 2015
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated, product in co-operation with DATALAN, a.s.
Purchaser: Archaeological Institute of SAS, Nitra, 2015
Continuation of providing of contractual support for MicroStation and PowerMap products of Bentley Systems, Incorporated.
Purchaser: SLOVNAFT, a.s., Bratislava, 2015
Providing of contractual support for PowerMap the product of Bentley Systems, Incorporated.
Purchaser: CM European Power Slovakia, s. r. o., Bratislava, 2015
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated, product.
Purchaser: Power System Management, s.r.o., Košice, 2014
Upgrade and support of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated product MicroStation PowerDraft through Bentley SELECT.
Purchaser: ARGO - PK s.r.o., Snina, 2014
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated, product.
Purchaser: ORGA-TRADE Network Systems, a. s., Bratislava, 2014
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated, product.
Purchaser: Banská Bystrica Main Architects Office, Banská Bystrica, 2014
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated, product.
Purchaser: MESTO KOŠICE, Košice, 2014
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated, products in co-operation with DATALAN, a.s.
Purchaser: Archaeological Institute of SAS, Nitra, 2014
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated product.
Purchaser: Energotel, a.s., Bratislava, 2013
Providing of three year contracted support for Microstation and PowerMap product of Bentley Systems, Incorporated.
Purchaser: Slovnaft, a.s. , Bratislava 2013
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated product.
Purchaser: ENERPRO, s.r.o., Košice, 2011
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated product.
Purchaser: Automatizácia železničnej dopravy, a.s., Bratislava, 2011
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated product.
Purchaser: Firma SEAK, Prešov, 2011
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated product.
Purchaser: Ing. Róbert Šmajda - RobSON, Snina, 2010
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated product.
Purchaser: TRIJA - projekčný ateliér, Banská Bystrica, 2010
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated product together with yearly Bentley SELECT contract support.
Purchaser: Authorized architect, Žilina, 2010
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated product.
Purchaser: Energotel,a.s., Bratislava, 2010
Upgrade of modules Rock Stability, Ground Loss, 2D DXF import/export and supply of modules Ground Loss, Tunnel, Terrain of GEO 5 V10 product for geotechnical engineering, company's FINE spol. s r.o.
Delivery of Bentley PowerMap as a update of MicroStation GeoOutlook and provisiosn of contractual support of Bentley PowerMap and MicroStation PowerDraft by Bentley Systems, Incorporated.
Purchaser: GP - 3, s.r.o., Prešov, 2010
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated product.
Purchaser: Constantine the Philosopher University , Nitra, 2010
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated product together with yearly Bentley SELECT contract support.
Purchaser: Montana spol. s r.o., Košice, 2009
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated product.
Purchaser: Útvar hlavného architekta mesta Banská Bystrica, 2009
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated product.
Purchaser: Útvar hlavného architekta mesta Košice, 2009
Provision of contractual support for product MicroStation of Bentley Systems, Incorporated.
Purchaser: DITEC Inet, s.r.o., 2009
Provision of contractual support for MicroStation PowerDraft by Bentley Systems, Incorporated.
Purchaser: VOD - EKO a.s. Trenčín, Trenčín, 2009
Delivery of product by Bentley Systems, Incorporated.
Purchaser: GEODETICCA VISION, s.r.o., Košice, 2009
Provision of contractual support for product MicroStation of Bentley Systems, Incorporated.
Purchaser: Doprastav, a.s., Bratislava, 2009
Provision of contractual support for product MicroStation of Bentley Systems, Incorporated.
Purchaser: UPC BROADBAND SLOVAKIA, s.r.o., Bratislava, 2009
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated product.
Purchaser: TelTemp, spol. s r.o, Bratislava, 2009
Provision of contractual support for products MicroStation, PowerDraft and PowerMap of Bentley Systems, Incorporated.
Purchaser: Pamiatkový úrad SR, Bratislava, 2009
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated product together with yearly Bentley SELECT contract support
Purchaser: Termomont Dolná Krupá, s.r.o., Biely Kostol, 2009
Provision of yearly contractual support for MicroStation PowerMap by Bentley Systems, Incorporated. Graphic environment of Bentley MicroStation PowerMap is a part of Technical information system based on XMatik®.NET used in MOL group.
Purchaser: CM European Power Slovakia, s. r. o. , Bratislava, 2009
Provision of yearly contract support of MicroStation PowerMap from Bentley Systems, Incorporated. Graphic environment of Bentley MicroStation PowerMap is a part of Technical information system based on XMatik®.NET used in MOL group.
Purchaser: T.O.D., s.r.o., Bratislava, 2008
Provision of yearly contractual support to MicroStation PowerMap by Bentley Systems, Incorporated. Graphical environment of Bentley MicroStation PowerMap is a part of Technical information system based on XMatik®.NET, implemented in MOL Group.
Purchaser: SLOVNAFT MONTÁŽE A OPRAVY a.s., Bratislava, 2007
Provision of two-year contractual support to MicroStation PowerDraft by Bentley Systems, Incorporated.
Purchaser: Geonik Plus, s.r.o., 2007
Provision of yearly contractual support for solutions based on Bentley products for ZSE, a.s., by means of contractual company E.ON IS Slovakia, s.r.o.
Purchaser: ZSE, a.s., Bratislava, 2006
Provision of yearly contractual support for products on the V8 platform of Bentley Systems, Incorporated.
Purchaser: Geoteam, s.r.o., Bratislava, 2006
Provision of yearly contractual support for products on the V8 platform of Bentley Systems, Incorporated.
Purchaser: Bratislavská teplárenská, a.s., Bratislava, 2006
Provision of yearly contractual support for products on the V8 platform of Bentley Systems, Incorporated.
Purchaser: PSJ Hydrotranzit, a.s., Bratislava, 2006
Provision of three-year contractual support for products on the V8 platform of Bentley Systems, Incorporated.
Purchaser: Mestský úrad Martin, Martin, 2006
Provision of two-year contractual support for products on the V8 platform of Bentley Systems, Incorporated.
Purchaser: Projekt tím - Slavomír Oršula, Banská Bystrica, 2006
Provision of yearly contractual support for products on the V8 platform of Bentley Systems, Incorporated.
Purchaser: Geosat, s.r.o., Bratislava, 2006
Provision of three-year contractual support for products on the V8 platform of Bentley Systems, Incorporated.
Purchaser: Slovnaft, a.s., Bratislava, 2006
Provision of three-year contractual support for products on the V8 platform of Bentley Systems, Incorporated.
Purchaser: GEAT, Košice, 2005
We are providing yearly contractual support for solutions based on Bentley Systems Company products for ZSE, a.s., by means of contractual company E.ON IS Slovakia, s.r.o.
Purchaser: ZSE, a.s., Bratislava, 2005
We provide three-years contractual support for solving of Technical information system on V8 platform from Bentley.
Purchaser: Slovnaft VÚRUP, a.s., Bratislava, 2005
We provide three-year contractual support for solving of Technical information system on V8 platform from Bentley.
Purchaser: Slovenský vodohospodársky podnik, a.s., Bratislava, 2005
We provide three-years contractual support for solving of Technical information system on V8 platform from Bentley.
Purchaser: Trnavská teplárenská, a.s., Trnava, 2005
We are providing yearly contractual support for solutions based on Bentley products for ZSE, a.s., by means of contractual company E.ON IS Slovakia, s.r.o.
Purchaser: Bratislavská teplárenská, a.s., Bratislava, 2005
Delivery of the Bentley Systems, Incorporated product.
Purchaser: Elektrovod Holding, a.s., Bratislava, 2004
Purchaser: Slovenský vodohospodársky podnik, š.p., odštepný závod Povodie Dunaja, Bratislava, 1998
A graphic application for creating and updating of vector maps of the cadastral areas in a MicroStation environment.
Purchaser: Riešitelia štátnej úlohy ROEP (Register obnovy evidencie pozemkov), 1996-1998
Purchaser: GEO AG München, München, 1996-1997
Purchaser: GEO AG München, München, 1996-1997
Application output data are integrated into the customer's GIS.
Purchaser: Povodie Dunaja, š.p., Bratislava, 1995
Application output data are integrated into the customer's GIS.
Purchaser: Povodie Dunaja, š.p., Bratislava, 1995
Purchaser: Ministerstvo pôdohospodárstva, Bratislava, 1992
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