Year 2014 |
Number of employees and permanent co-workers
Main events
Public activities
- We support young hockey players from Bratislava.
- On 6.2.2014, 13.2.2014,3.7.2014, 9.12.2014 and 18.12.2014 our
employees have joined of the traditional sfera's drop of blood. The
number of blood donors has reached 107.
Events organized by our company
- Conference ENERGOFÓRUM® 2014 - electricity,
16.-17.10.2014, hotel Sitno, Vyhne
- Seminar: The amendment of the Law
of heat energy, 24.9.2014, hotel Bratislava, Bratislava
- Seminár: Interpretation of the Law
of heat energy, 24.-25.7.2014, hotel Sitno, Vyhne
- Conference: ENERGOFÓRUM® 2014 - gas,
5.-6.6.2014, hotel Sitno, Vyhne
- Seminar: Investments to renewable
energy sources in Slovakia - current state and expectatinos,
26.3.2014, hotel Bratislava, Bratislava
- Seminar: Energy legislation,
21.3.2014, hotel Dom techniky, Košice
- Seminar:Excise tax on electricity, 4.2.2014, hotel
Bratislava, Bratislava
Participation in events:
- Specialized seminar: Investments in Renewable energy resources
in Slovakia, 26.3.2014, hotel Bratislava, Bratislava
- Specialized seminar: Energy legislation, 21.3.2014, hotel Dom
techniky, Košice
- Specialized seminar: Excise tax on electricity, 4.2.2014, hotel
Bratislava, Bratislava
- Be Empowered GEO and TLI technical week, 9.4.-10.4.2014,
- HP Storage Pre-sales academy, 7.4.-9.4.2014, Böblingen
- Startup in real world of business, 4.4.2014, Faculty of
informatics and information technologies STU, Bratislava
- Damas Fórum 2014, 27.-28.3.2014, hotel Senec, Senec
- Seminar Implementation of Directive no. 2012/27/EU, 26.3.2014,
Incheba, Bratislava
- Conference: Oracle Partner Day 2014, 20.3.2014, Kempinski
Hotel, Bratislava
- Conference: Fórum praktickej údržby, 19.-20.3.2014, Holiday Inn
- Conference: ShowIT, Gopas, 11.2.-13.2.2014, Bratislava
- Conference: Ako využiť manažérske účtovníctvo k zvýšeniu
podnikovej prosperity, 23.1.2014, Hotel Bratislava
- HP Storage Day 2014, 22.1.2014, hotel Gate One, Bratislava
- Conference Horizon 2020, 21.1.-22.1.2014, Hotel Saffron,